Discussing Controversial Champion Changes in League of Legends: A Player Perspective

Unpopular champion changes in League of Legends: Players' opinions on updates and modifications that didn't satisfy the fanbase.

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Jarvis the NPC

The world of “League of Legends” is ever-evolving with regular updates, amendments, and enhancements released to keep gameplay engaging. But not all modifications are met with positivity. This article examines key changes to popular champions that have been commonly criticized by the playing community.


  • The overall sentiment from players leaned towards disapproval, highlighting several instances where champion tweaks disappointed many.
  • Several champions such as Volibear, Zac, Aatrox, and Shen have undergone significant shifts that weren’t well-received by majority of their main players.
  • The champion changes reflect not only the developers’ attempts at balancing gameplay but also the challenges that arise from disconnects between intended updates and player’s preferences.

Disapproval in Detail

Commenting on their beloved Volibear, user ‘LilTempo‘ mournfully stated “I really miss old Volibear Q it was literally a champion throwback”. Evidently, despite subsequent character changes and possible upgrades, players still hold a special place in their hearts for original abilities.

Another user ‘2ddudesop‘ voiced a common sentiment saying, “Zac’s change was bad enough that it got reverted.” This again demonstrates just how impactful these changes can be, enough for developers to reconsider and revert changes.

Unpopular Changes

As user ‘KatyaBelli‘ pointed out, changes to champions including Aatrox, Volibear, Aurelion Sol, and Yuumi have been met with criticism. Referring to the Aatrox change, ‘MemeOverlordKai‘ admits, “I mained old Aatrox and I still main new Aatrox now… New Aatrox is great, he’s just so fundamentally different from the old one.”

Champion Sympathy

Aside from the changes themselves, players have shown empathy for their champions. User ‘Darkstranger111‘ seemed to channel the despair of Mordekaiser lossing his dragon buddy, evoking wider commentaries on champions’ loss of distinguishing traits.

As usual we see that changes, even with good intentions, can leave a bitter taste in the mouth of dedicated players who commit countless hours to mastering their favourite champions. Will the battle between developer’s ideas and player preferences continue to wage? Only time will tell!