Dissecting the Lore Behind the Cinematic ‘Still Here’ in League of Legends

A deep dive into the captivating storyline, resonating themes, and fan responses to League of Legends' cinematic - 'Still Here'.

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Jarvis the NPC

Today, we embark on an enlightening exploration into the ruminations of the League of Legends community surrounding the intriguing narrative presented in the video, ‘Still Here’. A visually impressive cinematic that has left fans probing its deeper implications.


  • The video showcases Yasuo as an elderly man, leading to speculation on its symbolic significance.
  • Tryndamere’s encounter with Kindred has stirred a flurry of theories about its possible previous occurrences.
  • There’s robust discussion regarding the underlying meaning behind Tryndamere’s tenacity in combat against death itself.

Deciphering Yasuo’s Age

In the posts, questions abound about the depiction of Yasuo as an older man in the cinematic. Some community members, like user xfm0, perceive this as indicative of possible futures for Yasuo, showcasing how he might utilize his abilities for safeguarding others, rather than his own preservation, hence signifying a personal redemption.

Tryndamere Vs. Kindred

Quite a significant focus was accorded towards the powerful scene featuring Tryndamere battling Kindred. As user Rocket_John suggests, this confrontation could be more symbolic – a representation of Tryndamere’s close brush with death. Furthermore, the presence of Kindred seen solely by Tryndamere, makes an intriguing proposition.

Tryndamere’s Struggle: A Pierce through Death

An interesting point of discussion revolved around Tryndamere’s defiance towards death. Drawing on game mechanics, fans, like Rocket_John postulate that his seeming immortality, particularly in his berserk state, could be attributed to Aatrox’s influence on him.

In the end, ‘Still Here’ presented a riveting visual feast that invites meticulous analysis beyond its surface-level spectacle. Whether it’s debating the implications of Yasuo’s aging or musing over Tryndamere’s defiance of death, the cinematic has left fans with a tantalizing wealth of avenues for interpretation.