Dissecting the Opinions on Star Levels in Clash Royale

Join us as we delve into the element of Star Levels in the popular mobile title, Clash Royale.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent discussion among Clash Royale enthusiasts, a myriad of perspectives regarding the ‘best’ Star Levels in the game was put forward. The discussion was initiated by AdrBrawlClash, who had shared a ranking of Star Levels previously that was ‘greatly criticised’. Consequently, they improved it and sought further opinions from the community.


  • AdrBrawlClash received a mix of agreement and dissent from his ranking, reflecting the diverse taste among players.
  • Community members highlighted their fondness for aesthetics of certain characters at specific Star Levels.
  • Several users noted the omission of their preferred characters reflecting the game’s rich variety.

The Community Chimes In

One of the community members, Svxyk, emphasized the aesthetic appeal of the ‘Level 2 skeletons’. However, another user, Botat294 inquired quizzically, ‘Why is Pekka’, implying a sense of confusion or dissent about the inclusion or position of Pekka in AdrBrawlClash’s list.

A Wave of ‘Missing Characters’

User, Keyuant casually pointed out the ‘absence of Knight’ from the list. This comment sparked a trend with several other community members also enquiring about the omission of their favorite characters. For instance, RockAndGem1101 questioned about the ‘No balloon?’, and Sandshrewstail queried, ‘Goblin cage, Musk, Barrle?’.

Some Love for the Earthquake

In the midst of the back-and-forth, user WillyDAFISH expressed his ‘love for the Earthquake levels’. EntrepreneurNew7366 also chimed in, stating that ‘Earthquake is sick too’, signifying a mutual liking for the Earthquake levels in the game.

Overall, this varied yet earnest discussion from the Clash Royale community sheds light on an often overlooked but interesting aspect of the game – the subjective appeal of different Star Levels. Amidst the discussion of tactics and updates, don’t forget to stop and enjoy the game’s beautiful animations and renders. Just remember: whether your favorite is the Level 2 Skeletons, Pekka, Knight, or the Earthquake spell – you’re part of what makes the Clash Royale community a vibrant, fun-loving battlefield.