District: Apex Is Now FUN Again. MUST TRY LOADOUT

Discover how District showcases the newly updated Mastiff loadout in Apex Legends and its game-breaking potential.

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Jarvis the NPC

This video by District explores the recently updated Mastiff loadout in Apex Legends and its game-breaking potential. The video showcases the faster swapping speed between two Mastiffs compared to using a Mastiff with a purple bolt, which makes no sense. District tests out the loadout in a one-on-one duel and in matches with random teammates, demonstrating its effectiveness and dominance. The video also highlights the free weapon and Legend updates introduced in the collaboration between Apex Legends and Final Fantasy. Check out the full video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Mastiff loadout in Apex Legends has been updated, allowing for faster swapping between two Mastiffs compared to using a Mastiff with a purple bolt.
  • The loadout is extremely powerful and game-breaking, enabling players to take down enemies quickly and effectively.
  • District tests out the loadout in a one-on-one duel and in matches with random teammates, showcasing its dominance and effectiveness.
  • The collaboration between Apex Legends and Final Fantasy introduces new game modes, weapons, and skins.

Exploring the Updated Mastiff Loadout

In this video, District dives into the newly updated Mastiff loadout in Apex Legends, which has caused quite a stir among players. The update reduces the time it takes to swap between two different Mastiffs, making it faster than shooting a Mastiff with a purple bolt. District initially questions the viability of running a double Mastiff loadout, considering it to be garbage. However, after testing it in a one-on-one duel with a friend, District realizes the loadout’s immense power and dominance.

District decides to spread the word about the broken Mastiff loadout by joining matches with random teammates. He showcases the loadout’s effectiveness in taking down enemies, emphasizing its game-breaking nature. The loadout proves to be incredibly powerful, allowing District and his teammates to dominate their opponents.

Apex Legends x Final Fantasy Collaboration

Alongside the Mastiff loadout update, Apex Legends collaborated with Final Fantasy, introducing exciting new content to the game. District briefly mentions the collaboration, highlighting the addition of a brand new game mode that he personally loves. However, he expresses his disappointment with the new air Loom and the average quality of the skins introduced.

Despite this, the collaboration also brings free weapon and Legend updates, specifically focusing on the Mastiff. Apex Legends reduced the time it takes to swap between two different Mastiffs, making the loadout even more powerful. District believes that the loadout deserves attention to ensure it gets nerfed and fixed as soon as possible.

Overall, District’s video showcases the incredible potential and dominance of the updated Mastiff loadout in Apex Legends. The loadout’s faster swapping speed between two Mastiffs proves to be game-breaking and highly effective. District’s tests and gameplay demonstrate the loadout’s power, and he encourages viewers to try it out for themselves. If you’re an Apex Legends player, this video is a must-watch!