District: Apex Legends – Mastiff Exploit

District explores the broken Mastiff exploit in Apex Legends and showcases its power in gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

This video by District dives into the broken Mastiff exploit in Apex Legends and provides gameplay examples of its power. The video highlights the reduced swap time between two Mastiffs, which allows for faster shooting than a Mastiff with a purple bolt. District showcases the exploit in action, both in a one-on-one match and in regular gameplay with random teammates. The video also includes a segment where District promotes Apex gaming PCs and discusses the benefits of switching from console to PC gaming.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Mastiff exploit in Apex Legends allows for faster shooting by swapping between two Mastiffs, surpassing the shooting speed of a Mastiff with a purple bolt.
  • District showcases the exploit in a one-on-one match, highlighting its broken nature.
  • The video also features regular gameplay with random teammates, where the Mastiff exploit provides a significant advantage.
  • District promotes Apex gaming PCs and discusses the benefits of switching from console to PC gaming.

Exploring the Broken Mastiff Exploit

District starts the video by explaining the Mastiff exploit in Apex Legends. The exploit involves the reduced swap time between two Mastiffs, making it faster to shoot with two Mastiffs than with a Mastiff equipped with a purple bolt. This mechanic seems counterintuitive, as a purple bolt is supposed to enhance the shooting speed. However, District points out that a Mastiff with a purple stock shoots faster than a Mastiff with a purple bolt.

To demonstrate the power of the Mastiff exploit, District engages in a one-on-one match with a friend. They both equip fully maxed out Mastiffs, one with a purple bolt and one with only a purple stock. District quickly realizes the brokenness of the exploit as they continuously outshoot their opponent.

After showcasing the exploit in a controlled environment, District joins random teammates in regular gameplay to spread the wisdom of the Mastiff exploit. They dominate their enemies, taking advantage of the exploit’s fast shooting speed. District acknowledges that using the double Mastiff against inexperienced players may seem unfair, but they believe that spreading awareness of the exploit will lead to its nerf and fix.

Promoting Apex Gaming PCs

In the latter part of the video, District takes a moment to promote Apex gaming PCs. They highlight the benefits of switching from console to PC gaming, including the cross progression feature that allows players to transfer their skins and cosmetics. District emphasizes that gaming on PC provides more than twice the FPS compared to consoles, resulting in smoother inputs and improved graphics. They mention working with Apex gaming PCs to build three different PC setups, catering to different needs and budgets.

District encourages viewers to check out Apex gaming PCs by clicking the link in the video description. They emphasize that upgrading to PC gaming is now easier than ever, and players can enjoy a superior gaming experience in Apex Legends.