District: District Reveals Double Mastiff Exploit in Apex Legends

District exposes the Double Mastiff exploit in Apex Legends, showcasing how it can be used to gain an advantage in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

District discusses the Double Mastiff P exploit in Apex Legends, which allows players to shoot faster by using the double Mastiff with purple stocks instead of purple bolts. He provides tips and tricks on how to use the exploit effectively and consistently. District also recommends using Ash as the best legend for this meta, due to her ability to quickly take positions and engage in close-quarters combat. He demonstrates the exploit in action and showcases his success with it in a match. Check out the full video for a detailed guide on utilizing this powerful technique in Apex Legends.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Double Mastiff exploit allows players to shoot faster by using the double Mastiff with purple stocks.
  • Using Ash as the legend of choice in this meta provides more control and flexibility in engagements.
  • The exploit can be used to quickly eliminate multiple enemies without the need for reloading.

Using the Double Mastiff P Exploit

District demonstrates how the double Mastiff exploit works by holding down the shoot button and tapping the swap button each time the gun shoots. By timing the swap just before shooting, players can achieve a faster rate of fire without relying on purple bolts. This technique can be highly effective in close-quarters combat situations.

Choosing Ash as the Meta Legend

District recommends playing Ash as the ideal legend for this meta. Ash’s ability to instantly teleport to any position gives her a significant advantage in engaging enemies. Unlike other skirmishers like Wraith or Octane, Ash can surprise opponents by landing behind them or taking strategic positions. This allows players to quickly eliminate enemies and gain an advantage in fights.

Mastering the Double Pump Mastiff Meta

District emphasizes the importance of hitting shots and maintaining accuracy when using the double pump Mastiff meta. Being able to hold enemies in place, taking 1v1 fights, and pushing teammates can greatly increase the chances of success. District demonstrates his proficiency with this technique in a thrilling match, where he eliminates three opponents without reloading a single time.