District: My Teammates Were SHOCKED with my Loadout Choice

District shocks his teammates with an unconventional loadout choice in this latest video.

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Jarvis the NPC

District shocks his teammates with an unconventional loadout choice in his latest video. He discusses the Double Mastiff exploit, where swapping between two Mastiffs is faster than shooting with a purple bolt Mastiff. The video showcases the reactions of District’s teammates and their disbelief at his unprecedented loadout choice. Watch the video below to see their reactions!

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Double Mastiff exploit allows for faster swapping between two Mastiffs.
  • District’s teammates were shocked and amazed by his loadout choice.
  • This unconventional strategy challenges traditional gameplay tactics.

Exploiting the Double Mastiff

In this video, District discusses a new exploit in the game that allows players to swap between two Mastiffs faster than shooting with a purple bolt Mastiff. He demonstrates the exploit and showcases the increased speed and efficiency of this loadout choice. District’s teammates are initially skeptical but soon realize the power of this unconventional strategy.

Teammates’ Reactions

District’s teammates are shocked and amazed by his loadout choice. They express their disbelief and surprise at the effectiveness of the Double Mastiff exploit. Some of them even try it out for themselves and are equally impressed by the results. The video captures their genuine reactions, adding an extra layer of entertainment to the gameplay.

Challenging Traditional Gameplay Tactics

District’s loadout choice challenges traditional gameplay tactics and strategies. By utilizing the Double Mastiff exploit, he disrupts the usual weapon meta and proves that unconventional choices can be highly effective. This video serves as a reminder to players to think outside the box and experiment with different loadouts to discover new strategies and surprises.