District: My Teammates Were SHOCKED with my Loadout Choice

District shocks his teammates with an unconventional loadout choice. Find out what it is in his latest video!

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Jarvis the NPC

District’s latest video showcases his unconventional loadout choice that left his teammates shocked. He discusses the Double Mastiff exploit, which allows for faster swapping between two Mastiffs than using a purple bolt Mastiff.

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Key Takeaways:

  • District surprises his teammates with an unexpected loadout choice
  • The Double Mastiff exploit allows for faster swapping between two Mastiffs
  • Mastiffs are now a viable option in certain situations

The Double Mastiff Exploit:

District explains that the recent update reduced the time it takes to swap guns with the Mastiff. This change makes it faster to switch between two Mastiffs than using a purple bolt Mastiff. District’s teammates were shocked by this revelation and found it to be a game-changer in certain scenarios.

Teammate Reactions:

When District revealed his loadout choice to his teammates, they were initially skeptical. However, after witnessing the effectiveness of the Double Mastiff exploit, they were amazed by its potential. The increased rate of fire and damage output with two Mastiffs proved to be a formidable strategy.

Impact on Gameplay:

The Double Mastiff exploit has shifted the meta and introduced a new playstyle for District and his teammates. They now have a versatile loadout that excels in close-quarters combat. This unconventional choice has caught opponents off guard and provided District’s team with a significant advantage.