Diversified Trios in Brawl Stars? Community Weighs in on Misfits

Discussion on whether some 'Brawl Stars' characters really match their trio! Learn what the game community thinks.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars, the popular mobile arena fighter game, has an interesting mechanic that groups characters, known as Brawlers, into thematic trios. A Redditor, NitroZeusGodtier, sparked a lively discussion when they questioned the believability of one such trio.


  • Brawlers grouped in trios, but not all seem to fit.
  • Comments reveal debates over several characters’ trio fit, including Byron, Pearl, and Tick.
  • Fans have varied interpretations and preferences regarding trios.

The Trio Conundrum

User NitroZeusGodtier posed a question about the nefarious Byron, a character who doesn’t seemingly fit with his nostalgia-inducing team consisting of Barley, the bartender, and Piper, the baker. They wondered aloud why there’s no official or fan art depicting the trio. The post sparked multiple reactions from the community, offering both support and counterpoints.

Community Responses

Virto___ suggested an amusing interpretation, noting that “They aren’t friends, they are shops/restaurants owners in the same town“. This perspective adds a fun, community aspect to the imagined lives of the Brawlers outside of the fighting arena. Other users proposed various Brawlers as misfits, from EndyEnderson’s nomination of Pearl, due to his inexplicable choice of a robot daughter when he hates robots, to Stustuckinglue suggesting Tick be moved to a new group dubbed “The annoying trio”.

Popular Consensus

If the community had a poll, then Pearl would likely be voted the most controversial character regarding trio fit. Gaffelturk12 jokingly set the tone by declaring that anyone with a different opinion was “simply wrong”. Meanwhile, Master-of-sium quipped that they were “still in the past” and not ready to accept their least favourite misfit. There’s no denying the passion Brawl Star fans bring to even the most whimsical aspects of the game.

Ultimately, the discussion shines a spotlight on the depth of interest Brawl Star players have in not just gameplay, but the lore and camaraderie imagined between characters. Whether agreeing with NitroZeusGodtier about Byron, alternating between oddballs, or standing firm on Pearl, the community engagement shows a love for the Brawlers that extends beyond the digital battlegrounds. As long as the Brawl Star community keeps voicing its opinions, there’s no doubt the debates, discussions, and jokes will keep flowing.