Diving Deep into Deep Rock Galactic: New Ommoran Phase Analysis

Discover why players are split on the challenging new Ommoran phase in Deep Rock Galactic.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic subreddit users are buzzing about the new Ommoran phase that pushes teamwork to its limits, leaving some players frustrated and others hopeful.


  • Teamwork struggles emerge due to lack of communication about the challenging new phase.
  • Players express mixed feelings about the Ommoran phase’s impact on gameplay progression.
  • Some find strategies to handle the phase while others point out issues with random team coordination.

Teamwork Troubles and Misunderstandings

Player frustrations stem from the difficulty of coordinating with random teammates during the new Ommoran phase. The mechanic targeting one player at a time creates chaos as players struggle to repair objectives and avoid being trapped.

Adapting to the Challenge

Despite initial challenges, some players find ways to adapt and succeed in navigating the Ommoran phase. Strategies like using ziplines for mobility and maintaining awareness of the phase’s mechanics help players overcome the obstacles.

Community Response

While some players appreciate the increased challenge the phase brings, others express concerns about the impact on mission success and teamwork dynamics. The mixed reactions showcase the diverse player base within Deep Rock Galactic.

Looking Towards the Future

As players continue to explore and experiment with the new phase, the community’s perspective is likely to evolve. Whether through shared strategies or further adjustments from the developers, the Ommoran phase’s reception remains a dynamic conversation among players.