Diving into Valorant Community Sentiments: To Quit or Not to Quit?

A take on a VALORANT player's performance rollercoaster, community advice and all in the joke-infused gaming world!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Melo513, a Valorant enthusiast, kicked up a storm with a question most players can resonate with: ‘Should I quit?’ Despite having once enjoyed numerous victorious battles with killer stats—26 kills and only 2 deaths—Melo513 logged into a dire match; just 8 kills in the face of 20 deaths. And now the question hangs in the balance— Is it worth pressing on?


  • Widespread community advice encourages Melo513 to keep playing, highlighting the normality of performance fluctuations.
  • Emphasis on having fun rather than focusing solely on the score count.
  • Constructive feedback suggests look beyond statistics and consider game understanding and strategy.

Community Overwatch

In line with the general outcry to keep playing, Commercial_Pea1971 simplicity suggests Melo513 should ‘Watch woohoojin and quit worrying about performance,’ because spiraling into performance anxiety only spells disaster. frankfontaino reminds that everyone stinks at the start, so keep at it!

Measure of Fun

The importance of a fun-filled gaming run is a thread that runs through the responses. BenjiB1243 prescribes taking a break when frustrations bubble up, advising Melo513 to renew the battle ‘get back at it tomorrow.’ Suspiciously, Head_Fault3840 questions if Melo513 is ‘thinking way too hard’ about a game. In between lol’s, ItzOscarzZ even suggests taking a break when games go under.

The Power of Strategy

Now, for keener insights. i8rocksf0rlunch shed some stats-based strategies on Melo513’s Valorant matchmaking and level progression. R4vens_Wri translates the game meta for Melo; it isn’t just about the marksman skills but making smart potato decisions (or the lack thereof) that count.

The ‘bad days’ in the gaming world, just like in the real one, can be frustrating. But remember, Melo513, you’re not alone in this. With a pinch of strategy, a dash of fun, and the Valorant community behind you….what’s to stop you? Game on!