Diving into Valorant: Sage, Jett and Gecko Tips for Beginners

Novice Valorant player seeks guidance, the Reddit gaming community swoops in to help. Tips and tricks, hilarity ensues!

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

User ‘starrsmiley’ took to an online gaming community, seeking advice for their humble beginnings in the popular esports game, Valorant. Having dipped their toes into the game five times with varying agents, starrsmiley felt a need for expert direction to step up their game.


  • Starrsmiley is new to Valorant and wants to get better, voices concerns about upsetting others.
  • User admits to playing with Sage, Jett, and Gecko, wants to understand their differences.
  • Switches between agents and practice mode, anything to better understand game tactics.
  • Open to all sorts of tips and tricks to improve gameplay.

The Wisdom of the Crowd

Stick to 1-2 agents‘ advises ‘Large_Star_9674’ while also recommending a 30-day guide to gold. ‘Individual-Fan-5672’ advises keeping the crosshair at head height and perseverance despite bad games. ‘

Aiming & Relaxation

‘JuhpPug’ and ‘Autophobiac_’ have an interesting debate on the combination of relaxation and focus for better aiming. They both discourage running and shooting simultaneously while ‘practicing before every gaming session‘ for a better aim.

Mastering the Craft

‘Kojiro_hyuga1’ believes in mastering one agent from each role to avoid being caught unprepared. On the other hand, ‘hengeyokai96’ suggests playing all agents before comfortably settling for a playstyle. ‘

Lastly, ‘samerm’ encourages starrsmiley to prioritize their enjoyment, reminding them that the game is, well, a game after all. If others don’t like that, it’s their issue to handle! With a bag full of tricks and a morale boost, starrsmiley is ready to make their mark in the Valorant realm!