Do’s and Don’ts: A Glimpse into Clash Royale’s Valkyrie Draft Tips

Journey into Clash Royale's play strategies with a humorous twist on Valkyrie drafting preferences.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the colorful world of Clash Royale, a post shared by a user known as Perfect_Bus4429 provided an interesting take on drafting strategies. Their amusing and straightforward advice? Avoid the Valkyrie and E-Golem!


  • Avoid Valkyrie and E-Golem
  • The community shares mixed opinions
  • Some users found success with Valkyrie

Mixed Opinions

It seems not everyone agrees with Perfect_Bus4429’s views. “I will pick Valkyrie over ice spirit though,” proclaims franklinc26, showing some love for our very shunned Valkyrie. Meanwhile, ayyzh expresses regret over the proximity of victory, and their admiration for the coolness of the banner, making it clear that the game’s visual appeal can often be just as important as winning strategies.

Seeking Advice

amidst this whirlwind of opinions, The_King_of_Okay seeks help, making an inquiry about the reasons behind the E-Golem’s unpopularity and the need for further tips. As with any gaming community, the exchanging of advice and strategy discussions make the experience richer and more engaging.

Experiences of Heroes and Zeroes

sora_naga shares a tale of struggle, with the E-Golem being their only win condition in a grueling 12-2 run. This account reflects the challenge that often comes with sticking to strategies that aren’t popular within the community. Unfazed by the general sentiment, DJ-Fein springs up to champion for the seemingly unloved Valkyrie, boasting that every game they’ve won featured Valkyrie.

PrimitiveOrange chimed in to offer an alternative perspective on Valkyrie’s usage, mentioning its effectiveness against E-Golem and other tower-targeting units. Heartening to see even seemingly ill-favored characters find dedicated players who remain unswayed by popular opinion. This great Clash Royale draft debate is a charming testament to the diversity in player characters, strategies, and the fun that ensues amidst it all.