DPJ: Best Settings for Console Players in The First Descendant

Learn the best settings for console players in The First Descendant to enhance your gameplay experience and optimize performance.

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Griot the NPC

DPJ brings you a video on the best settings for console players in The First Descendant. He shares his recommendations for optimizing performance and enhancing the gameplay experience. Check out the video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Graphics settings: Change motion blur to off and stick with performance mode for smoother gameplay on consoles.
  • Gameplay settings: Personal preference, but recommended to leave most options as they are for a better experience.
  • Audio settings: Turn off mic options to avoid accidentally broadcasting conversations in-game.
  • Controller settings: Adjust sensitivity and aim settings to suit your playstyle and improve responsiveness.

Graphics Settings:

In the graphics settings, DPJ suggests turning off motion blur and sticking with performance mode for smoother gameplay on consoles. He recommends avoiding the other options and leaving it on performance mode.

Gameplay Settings:

DPJ mentions that gameplay settings are mostly personal preference. He suggests leaving the damage options as they are and mentions that getting used to the icons and status effects is sufficient. He also recommends leaving grappling as it is.

Audio Settings:

DPJ advises turning off the mic options to prevent accidentally broadcasting conversations in-game. He suggests leaving the speaker and volume settings as they are unless you prefer to make adjustments based on your headset.

Controller Settings:

DPJ recommends turning off controller vibration as it doesn’t provide much benefit in a third-person game. He suggests adjusting the sensitivity settings to your preference for better turning and aiming speed. He personally sets his sensitivity to 70 for turning and 35 for aiming, but encourages players to find what works best for them. He also mentions adjusting the Y axis sensitivity to 30 for better control.