Dual Support Item Strategy: The Unexpected Power Surge in League of Legends

Analyzing latest League of Legends meta-shift: Double support item strategy & its impact from players' discussion on popular subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-evolving landscape of League of Legends, few strategies have raised eyebrows as much as the recent surge in the double support item meta that’s taking the game by storm.


  • The dual support item strategy provides lane priority, synergy with certain champions, and larger map control due to increased ward availability.
  • This method minimizes the impact of missed last-hits and allows for aggressive trades due to additional health and mana.
  • Despite a theoretical gold debuff, some players claim not to have experienced it even at 7cs/min, implying an economic advantage for the player and their support.

Behind the Meta-Shift:

The post, authored by the sharp-eyed gamer ‘bazingaboi22’ , details his experience with the dual support item tactic. The overwhelming lane control, the abundance of wards for mapping, and the vital trades one can make due to the extra HP and mana seem too good to be true. But the anecdotal experience holds up with Kuliyayoi’s observations of a duo with an 80% win rate using this strategy.

But Wait, There’s a Debuff:

Theoretically, a gold debuff triggers at 4cs/min when using this approach. However, ‘bazingaboi22’ claims he didn’t face this debuff even at an impressive 7cs/min, a point oioioi9537 questioned as well. But the golden goose lays more than initial glitters, the support in the duo also ends up amassing larger wealth.

Additional Perspectives and Reactions:

Like any good strategy, there are skeptics. Itaicool chimed in with curiosity about its effectiveness in actual games, whilst another player painted a picture of Ezreal profitably exploiting the strategy. Even the humorous but insightful bondsmatthew proposed an outrageous four support item setup.

As players take these insights into their games, we may see more shake-ups in the meta, bolstering ingenuity & a sense of dynamism throughout Summoner’s Rift.