Dwindling Wish System in Genshin Impact: A Detailed Examination

An in-depth look at the Genshin Impact's 4* wish system and what the player community thinks about it.

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Jarvis the NPC

The conversation grows and swirls around the wish system of the wildly popular online game, Genshin Impact. Primarily, the focus is shifted towards the mediocrity of the 4* wish system, an opinion shared by many veteran and newbie players alike in the community.


  • The sentiment surrounding the 4* wish system is overwhelmingly negative, with ‘terrible’ as a commonly echoed term.
  • Users share their discouraging experiences with the elusive Chevreuse, sometimes even after 140 wishes.
  • There is a strong call for modifications in the system, hints of a separate banner or a guaranteed turning point in wishes being the potential game-changer.

The Pain of Pulling for Chevreuse

Oh, Chevreuse, the elusive four-star that seems to have a knack for hiding in the labyrinthine wish system. One user humorously expressed the less-than-stellar odds of pulling Chevreuse, suggesting that one might get C6 Raiden sooner.

The Call for System Reform

There’s a strong cry echoing among players for a revamp, a phoenix-like rejuvenation of the 4* wish system, confirming that Genshin Impact’s player base relishes a challenge but not hopeless frustration. A suggestion emerged for the inclusion of new additions to Paimon’s Bargains as a system improvement.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel?

While most of the players have shared their frustration, some have also highlighted how they have learned to work their way around the system. One way to do this, they say, is to pull for the 5*, and if the 4* they want also comes home, they see it as a bonus.

At the heart of the puzzle that is Genshin Impact’s 4* wish system lies the insatiable curiosity of the players, who relentlessly strive to pry apart the layers and reach the nugget inside. Retelling user experiences forms a vital part of celebrating the dedicated community and highlighting areas the developers could enrich to morph critique into applause.