Efficiency Strategies in Manor Lords: Market Staffing Debate

Is it better to staff markets with granary workers only? Redditors weigh in on efficient strategies in Manor Lords.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players are debating the efficiency of staffing markets with granary/storehouse workers only. Redditor BigBootyBear wonders if distribution is better left to warehouses.


  • Players discuss whether to staff markets with only granary workers
  • Advanced strategies involve allowing producers to set up stalls in some cases
  • Market size customization plays a vital role in optimizing distribution efficiency

Granary Workers Only Approach

Many agree with the granary/storehouse workers only approach, emphasizing efficient distribution and resource management.

Advanced Strategies

Some players suggest situational exceptions where allowing producers to set up stalls can be beneficial in specific scenarios.

Market Size Customization

Redditors highlight the importance of customizing market sizes to match the worker count in nearby storehouses/granaries for optimal distribution.

Manor Lords players delve deep into the intricacies of market staffing, striving to find the most efficient distribution methods for their burgeoning towns.