Elevating Charon: A Unique Interaction Mechanic for Smite 2

Explore the missed opportunity for Charon as Smite players share exciting ideas for a unique interact mechanic. Will this proposal change the game?

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Jarvis the NPC

Kaios-0 suggests a unique interact mechanic for Charon in Smite 2, sparking a wave of excitement and discussion in the community. This proposal aims to revamp Charon’s abilities and playstyle, making him one of Smite’s standout characters.


  • The idea of allowing players to board Charon’s boat through an interact mechanic has garnered widespread support.
  • Players believe this new mechanic would add depth and uniqueness to Charon’s character, currently seen as generic.
  • Many users express disappointment over the lackluster implementation of Charon in his current state.

Exciting Possibilities for Charon

Kaios-0’s proposal to introduce an interact mechanic for Charon in Smite 2 has ignited a passionate response from the community. Players are enthusiastic about the potential of transforming Charon into a more engaging and dynamic character within the game.

A Missed Opportunity

Many players echo the sentiment that Charon’s release fell short of expectations, with several expressing regret over the character’s current lack of depth. This proposed mechanic is seen as a means to rectify this perceived missed opportunity and elevate Charon to a more significant role in the game.

A Unique Gameplay Twist

Discussants highlight the innovative nature of the proposed interact mechanic, drawing parallels to other games like League of Legends and Dota 2. The idea of relinquishing control to Charon while maintaining agency over basic attacks and abilities presents an intriguing gameplay dynamic.