Emerald is as Bad as People Say: A League of Legends Nightmare

Emerald tier in League of Legends is a cesspool of toxicity and frustration. Will the cycle ever end?

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are voicing their frustrations about the sheer chaos that ensues in the Emerald tier. From intentional feeding to toxic behavior, the community is outraged at the declining quality of games.


  • Emerald tier games are plagued by afkers, griefers, and toxic players.
  • The skill disparity in Emerald leads to unbalanced and frustrating matches.
  • Riot’s matchmaking system and lack of repercussions exacerbate the issue.

Mix of Frustration and Disbelief

Players express dismay at the prevalence of intentional feeding and afking in Emerald, highlighting the negative impact on their experience. The community points fingers at Riot’s inaction and the toxic player behavior that seems to go unpunished.

Emotional Rollercoaster

Emerald players recount their struggles with the extreme tilt and poor game quality in the tier. From matched with lower-skilled teammates to encountering smurfs, the frustration is palpable in their narratives.

A Glitch in the System

Some players share contrasting experiences, suggesting that friendly behavior and off-meta picks can improve their games. However, the prevailing sentiment remains one of discontent with the state of the Emerald tier.

The Emerald tier in League of Legends is a battleground of emotions and skill disparities. As players grapple with toxicity and matchmaking woes, the future of this tier hangs in the balance. Will Riot address the issues plaguing Emerald, or will players continue to navigate this tumultuous landscape?