Enshrouded: Beginner Tips for Clearing the Well and Progressing in the Game

Just starting the game? Want tips on clearing the well and progressing? Check out these insightful pointers from experienced players!

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players seeking guidance on clearing the well and progressing in the game turn to the community for valuable advice.


  • Identify and destroy the shroud root to clear the well efficiently.
  • Experiment with different weapon styles to find your preferred playstyle.
  • Utilize skills like double jump and updraft for exploration and combat advantage.
  • Take your time exploring and gathering resources to better prepare for enemies and bosses.

Clearing the Well: Destroy the Shroud Root

One community member advises finding and cutting down the shroud root, a distinctive mushroom/tree in the well. Mastery of dodging and blocking, along with trying out various weapon styles, enhances gameplay experience and loot progression.

Exploration and Skills: Mastering the Game’s Mechanics

Another player suggests early acquisition of skills like double jump and updraft for ease of movement and access to hidden areas. Experiment with different weapons and utilize strategic kiting tactics with wands to gain an upper hand in battles.

Resource Gathering Strategy: Preparation is Key

A seasoned player recommends prioritizing resource gathering and leisurely exploration over rushing into quests. Taking time to build your character’s capabilities before facing tough enemies leads to a more successful gameplay experience.

Facing Challenges: Learning from Mistakes

One player shares their journey of restarting the game to adopt a more relaxed approach, emphasizing exploration and gradual progression. Acknowledging personal playstyle preferences and learning from mistakes, such as avoiding reliance on certain skills like updraft, aids in overcoming challenges in Enshrouded.