Enshrouded Building System: A Love Letter from Fans on Reddit

Discover why players on Reddit are raving about the building system in Enshrouded.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players on Reddit are over the moon about the game’s building system. The customization and ease of use seem to have struck a chord with the community.


  • Community adores building system for its balance and customization.
  • Diagonal building desired for added creativity.
  • Players express amazement and desire for more content.

ZackPhoenix’s Take

ZackPhoenix loves the system but wishes for diagonal building to enhance creativity. Enshrouded strikes a balance between quick preset placement and detailed building block by block.

mmmmPryncypalki’s Reaction

mmmmPryncypalki is impressed, simply exclaiming a loud ‘DAMN’ to express their enthusiasm for the game’s building features.

Game_of_Will’s Excitement

Game_of_Will finds the building system incredible, highlighting the positive reception and excitement among players.

putzy0127’s Demand for More Content

putzy0127 echoes the sentiment of the community, expressing the desire for more content to explore and build upon within the game.