Enshrouded: Dealing with 30fps Woes in Games – Tips and Tricks

Struggling with 30fps in your favorite game? Check out these troubleshooting tips from fellow gamers!

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded in frustration, gamers seek solutions for the 30fps issue in their favorite games. Is there a fix?


  • Be sure to disable VSync for a potential performance boost.
  • Check your PC specs and FPS counter settings for possible bottlenecks.
  • Try alt+tabbing in and out of the game as a quick workaround for the issue.

Community Suggestions

One user suggested, “Check if VSync is enabled and disable it.” Another pointed out, “Sounds like you have VSync on.” It seems VSync may be the culprit behind the locked frame rate.

Technical Troubleshooting

Another user inquired about the OP’s PC specs and FPS counter, emphasizing the importance of these factors in diagnosing the issue.

Quick Fixes and Workarounds

Some users recommended alt+tabbing in and out of the game as a temporary fix, indicating that this method sometimes helped alleviate the problem temporarily.