Enshrouded Dilemma: Spider Infestation in My Base

Dealing with a pesky spider infestation in your base? Find out how players in the Enshrouded community tackle this hairy situation.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are facing a hairy situation in their bases, with persistent spider spawn points causing chaos. One frustrated player seeks advice on dealing with the arachnid onslaught.


  • Some spiders spawn from persistent eggs that keep respawning.
  • Burning down the infested building is suggested.
  • Upgrading your flame can help keep the spawn points in check.

Spider Infestation Woes

Maleficent_Ad6269 shares the frustration of dealing with unending spider spawns in Glenwoods End. They reach out to the community for advice on resolving this persistent issue.

Community Solutions

Captain_Crack465 offers insight into the source of the problem, pointing out that spiders spawn from eggs that respawn, even after world resets. They suggest eliminating the eggs each time to manage the situation.

Extreme Measures

crousscor3 humorously suggests a drastic solution – burning down the infested building to eradicate the spider infestation once and for all. A fiery approach, indeed!

Strategic Upgrade

ZackPhoenix recommends a more strategic approach by upgrading your flame to encompass the troublesome building. By expanding your build radius, you can keep the spider spawns under control within your territory.

In the world of Enshrouded, battling spider infestations is both a challenge and an opportunity for creative solutions. From burning down buildings to upgrading flames, players are exploring various strategies to quell the arachnid menace. As the community bands together to tackle common obstacles, the spirit of collaboration and innovation shines through in the face of adversity.