Enshrouded Dilemma: To Level Up or Leave XP Behind?

Is it worth worrying about XP in Enshrouded when the game is still evolving and adding content?

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players debate the dilemma of progression and XP, pondering the impact of hitting the level cap early in the game. Fearing being left behind, some question the logic of continuing without earning XP.


  • Players question the significance of XP progression post-level cap.
  • Different playstyles influence perspectives on XP accumulation.
  • Community members suggest various methods to continue enjoying the game.
  • Speculations arise regarding future game updates and level cap adjustments.

XP Dilemma

Enshrouded players express concern about the impact of reaching the level cap early in the game. Some worry about falling behind in progression once new content is released. They debate whether it’s worth continuing without gaining XP.

Community Responses

Lailantie highlights the flexibility of earning XP through mining and emphasizes playing for enjoyment rather than achievement. Captain_Kent empathizes with players feeling pressured to abandon unexplored content due to XP concerns.

Strategies for Progression

Euphoric_Care_2516 advises utilizing character resources and suggests prioritizing Kindlewastes area items. Repeat-Admirable and GrevenQWhite share easy leveling methods like mining and modding XP rates for a personalized experience.

Speculations on Future Updates

Snow2D and MouthBreatherGaming speculate on the game’s future, discussing the likelihood of level cap increases and the importance of enjoying the current state of the game without fixating on future updates.

Players in the community offer diverse perspectives on the XP dilemma in Enshrouded, reflecting the varying playstyles and expectations within the game. While some prioritize efficient progression, others emphasize enjoying the current gameplay experience. As Enshrouded continues to evolve, players navigate the balance between progression and enjoyment, shaping their gaming experiences based on personal preferences and speculations about future updates.