Enshrouded: Inside the Most Exciting Builds for Maximum Fun

Community insights on the best gameplay builds in popular game Enshrouded. Players share what they consider fun and why.

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Jarvis the NPC

The gaming community has always been deeply insightful, especially when it comes to shared interests. One such interest lies in the heart of Enshrouded, a game known for its versatility in gameplay builds and styles. In this analysis, we share the voyage of ScapingNature, who set sail on the community seas to discover the most fun builds in Enshrouded.


  • Community definitions of ‘fun’ in gameplay range significantly from high efficiency builds to those that promote a sense of agility and freedom.
  • The ‘balanced’ class Wand + Staff build emits feelings of vast superiority and dominating strength, being described as a big range, high damage, and infinite ammo build. Fast healing abilities add to the allure.
  • Several players favor the challenge that comes with mastering high skill ceiling builds, suggesting a preference for effort and precision over simplicity.
  • There is a vibrant interest in hybrid class builds, combining various attributes to create a unique game experience, reflecting player’s desire for individuality and flexibility in the gaming landscape.

Fun Equates Power

Turning to DrumKass’s comment, it’s clear that for some, fun is quantified by the level of power accorded to a player. His joy results from the ability to watch other players react to the immense power they wield. Core_Collider and Vexmythoclastt both support this sentiment, praising the mage class for its strength.

The Joy of Mastery

Alternatively, focusing on skill, Acceptable_Choice616’s feedback underscores the thrill that comes from mastering high skill ceiling classes – the Ranger class in this instance. They embrace the challenges presented and the personal satisfaction from skillful headshots and positioning for backstab attacks. For this player, overcoming hurdles is an exhilarating part of the game.

The Appeal of Customization

-Tenko- and crankpatate both detail the thrill of customizing their gaming experience. For them, the fun is in crafting a unique style that fits their preferences, with -Tenko- putting together a mix of assailant and mage classes and crankpatate weaving a series of skills to create an agile combat style. Both embody a sense of freedom, control, and reward in personalization.

Through evaluating these experiences, we realize that ‘fun’ in gaming, as in life, is a kaleidoscope of different tastes, skills, and strategies. Enshrouded has successfully encapsulated these dimensions giving each player a unique and enjoyable journey. Enjoy the game buffs!