Enshrouded: Is It Worth Buying on Steam Sale? Reddit Users Share Their Thoughts

Curious about Enshrouded in its current state? Reddit users delve into whether it's worth picking up during the Steam sale.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded has caught the attention of Reddit users, with many pondering its current state and debating whether to take the plunge. User poopyramen seeks insights before diving into this world of fantasy and survival.


  • Enshrouded offers a vast world with plenty to do, making it one of the best early access titles for some players.
  • The game boasts a beautiful building system and an expansive world, although combat may feel unbalanced in certain aspects.
  • While Enshrouded may not provide endless replayability, it remains fun and worthwhile for many players.
  • Players compare Enshrouded to other survival games like Valheim and The Forest, highlighting unique gameplay elements and pacing.

User Reviews and Insights

Reddit user Traditional_Fee_1965 expresses delight in the depth of Enshrouded and praises its current state as a worthwhile experience. On the other hand, octarine_turtle acknowledges the game’s strengths while pointing out existing balance issues and incomplete zones.

oldtekk shares a nuanced perspective, finding Enshrouded enjoyable but lacking long-term engagement. Meanwhile, WeirdLime mentions the absence of quality-of-life features and balancing concerns, suggesting potential improvements for the game’s future.

Comparisons and Recommendations

ayamekaki draws parallels between Enshrouded, Valheim, and The Forest, highlighting the strengths of each game and recommending Enshrouded for its single-player experience. Efioanaes briefly comments on Enshrouded’s quality, hinting at potential competition in the genre.