Enshrouded: Players Divided Over Nerfing in the Game

Players in the Enshrouded community debate the impact of nerfing on game enjoyment and challenge.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are in a heated debate over the topic of nerfing in the game. The argument revolves around whether nerfing affects the overall fun and challenge of Enshrouded gameplay.


  • Players are split between wanting challenging gameplay and enjoying overpowered builds.
  • Some players feel that nerfing removes the fun factor, while others believe it is necessary for balanced gameplay.
  • The community discusses the importance of maintaining progression and balance in the game.
  • Players express varying opinions on the impact of nerfing on the overall game experience.

Players Advocate for Challenge

One player, salle132, emphasizes the need for challenge in the game, stating that having overpowered builds makes the gameplay boring.

Dev Team Aware of Player Sentiments

Auren-Dawnstar mentions that the developers are already aware of the impact of nerfing on the mage playstyle and are addressing player feedback on the issue.

Community Emphasizes Balance

The_Countess highlights the importance of maintaining story progression and balance in the game to ensure a fun and engaging player experience.

SaraRainmaker acknowledges the community’s varying opinions on nerfing, encouraging players to provide constructive feedback for balanced gameplay.

junipermucius discusses the need for proper game balancing in Early Access to avoid issues with difficulty levels and player enjoyment.

SupayOne reminds players that Early Access games undergo extensive changes, including balancing and optimization, and urges patience during the development process.

Players in the Enshrouded community continue to debate the impact of nerfing on game enjoyment and challenge. While some advocate for challenging gameplay and balanced progression, others enjoy the freedom of powerful builds. The developers’ awareness of player sentiments reflects a commitment to addressing community feedback and ensuring a rewarding gaming experience for all players.