Enshrouded: Will There Be Pets in the Game? Find Out Here!

Will pets be added to Enshrouded? Players are speculating and sharing their thoughts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are eagerly discussing the potential addition of pets to the game. One user shares an encounter with a curious bunny in their base house, sparking a debate on future updates.


  • Players speculate on the addition of pets and farm animals based on in-game encounters and developer hints.
  • Concerns about the viability of the beastmaster class and the usability of temporary guardian animals are raised.
  • Community is excited about the prospect of pets enhancing gameplay and adding a new dimension to Enshrouded.

Player Speculations

One user, GreenBeanLover, mentions that pets were on the roadmap for the year, indicating a possible future addition. They also hint at farm animals being considered.

Another player, Euphoric_Care_2516, shares a lighthearted experience of encountering a pet in their base, showcasing the charm pets could bring to the game.

Beastmaster Class Concerns

Peatmoss22 expresses disappointment in the current state of the beastmaster class, hoping for improvements in its viability. They discuss the limitations of temporary guardian animals and their behavior in different scenarios.

The community’s enthusiasm for potential pet additions highlights the eagerness for new content and features in Enshrouded, fostering a sense of anticipation and excitement amongst players.