Enshrouded: Will We Get Models for Food Recipes? Gamers Discuss

Join the discussion as Enshrouded gamers share their thoughts on food recipe models.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded subreddit users are buzzing with excitement about the idea of having in-world models for the food recipes they cook in the game. User bayswipe expressed their desire for a banquet hall filled with culinary delights but acknowledged their appreciation for the game.


  • Enshrouded players crave immersive experiences like in-world food models.
  • User-generated ideas heavily influence game development.
  • Community engagement drives excitement for new features.

SaraRainmaker’s Insight

SaraRainmaker highlighted the importance of the roadmap in guiding player expectations and encouraged users to contribute their ideas for consideration.

Aggressive_Ad_8362’s Take

Aggressive_Ad_8362 echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the need for interactive food items to enhance the game environment.

Community Engagement Sparks Innovation

The passion and creativity of Enshrouded players shine through in their suggestions for enhancing gameplay. By actively participating in shaping the game’s future, users invest in a shared virtual world that reflects their collective imagination.