Epic Clash Royale Debate: Should the King’s Cannon Pack More Punch?

In a controversial Clash Royale debate, does the King's cannon fall short in damage? An engaging rundown of player opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

A hot topic amongst passionate Clash Royale gamers revolves around the King’s cannon and if it should cause significantly more damage than it currently does. Drawing from the comparison with the Princess tower’s bow arrows, it calls into question the disparity in impact.


  • The community is split on whether the King’s cannon should pack more fire power, bringing about a varied range of interesting theories.
  • Some players perceive the balance in gameplay while others sense a touch of carelessness from the developer’s part.
  • In-game lore reasons have given rise to quirky hypotheses on damaging types and old age affecting performance.
  • International versions and updates shed light on past and present differences in damage output.

The Balance Brigade

User Lucyan96 argues that “For balance reasons , no.” which seems to echo a sentiment of game fairness and design. Brrt0 further supports the ‘balance rationale’ by considering the damage-speed tradeoff.

Narrative Spinsters

On the narrative front, an imaginative take from UNLIMITEDNUMBER1 proposes a lore explanation involving different damage types: stab and blunt. thr0wawayacc0unt2939 humorously suggests the King might just be a hands-off warlord or, you know, he might just be old.

Media Merger and Earlier Eras

seina189 exposes a fascinating detail: In the Chinese version, the King Tower actually deals more damage – a revelation that raises a round of digital eyebrows. Fair-Championship-30 spills beans on King Tower’s past, revealing that it once dealt less damage than the Princess Towers.

The diversity in responses to should-the-king’s-cannon-deal-more-damage query indicates the depth of the Clash Royale fanbase’s immersion into the game. Whether analyzing balance, narrative, inter-national versions, or reflecting on past updates – these gamers are not only engaged in one epic debate, they’re fanning the flames for more!