Epic ‘League of Legends’ Moments: Rift Harold Majestically Dodges Cait Ult

Relive the exhilarating 'League of Legends' play where Murky_Difference masterfully uses Rift Harold to dodge a Cait ult.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a remarkable display of skill in ‘League of Legends’, a player, known online as Murky_Difference, managed to artfully summon Rift Harold at the very moment when a deadly Caitlyn ultimate was about to strike, effectively dodging it.


  • Player ‘Murky_Difference’ masterminded a quick-thinking game-changing moment
  • Excited fans applaud his blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moves that completely changed the game’s outcome
  • This strategical use of Rift Harold showcased in-game tactics while reflecting positive sentiments about the game.

The Maneuver

This post showcases the player’s ability to combine skill, quick reflexes, and in-depth game knowledge. As one user, ‘-sh’, remarked, the most impressive part was how Murky_Difference maneuvered the Rift around the first turn.

User Reactions

The post was received excitedly, with users commending the skillful play. ‘hammertheham’ thought Cait must have been raging, implying that she was caught off guard by the unexpected move. ‘TobitoEX07’ joked that Murky_Difference broke Cait’s kneecaps, humorously symbolising the impact of the unexpected maneuver.

Impact on Future Play

This event likely will inspire other ‘League of Legends’ players to attempt similarly daring moves. An enthusiastic ‘pureply101’ sparked discussion whether entering a Rift Harold could similarly dodge a Karthus ultimate. The idea of such strategic nuances surely enthused the community, further enriching the gameplay depth.

Indeed, this thrilling event stands as proof of the entertaining potential of ‘League of Legends’, solidifying its position as a beloved community hub. Moreover, it enforces the notion that quick wit and right timing can turn the tide in any player’s favor. So, keep your fingers nimble and your eyes sharp, as you too might seize a game-winning moment, just like Murky_Difference did!