ESO: Master the Jumping Technique in Elden Ring

Learn the most broken move in Elden Ring and become invulnerable by jumping instead of dodge rolling.

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Griot the NPC

In ESO’s video, he reveals a game-changing technique in Elden Ring that allows players to become invulnerable by jumping instead of dodge rolling. By bending your knees and jumping, your legs and lower torso become immune to damage, providing more invulnerability frames compared to dodge rolling. Not only that, but you can also attack while jumping, giving you the upper hand in battles. Let’s dive deeper into this powerful technique and its applications in the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Jumping in Elden Ring makes you invulnerable for a longer duration compared to dodge rolling.
  • Your legs and lower torso are immune to damage while jumping, allowing you to avoid ground pound attacks, horizontal sweeps, and thrusts.
  • Vertical attacks will still knock you down, so be cautious.
  • You can attack while jumping, giving you an offensive advantage during battles.

The Power of Jumping in Elden Ring

Elden Ring introduces a new mechanic where jumping becomes the most broken move against real players and bosses. Unlike dodge rolling, jumping provides an extended period of invulnerability, making it a superior defensive option. By bending your knees and initiating a jump, your legs and lower torso become impervious to damage. This means that enemy attacks will pass through your legs, leaving you unscathed.

The extended invulnerability frames while jumping allow you to evade various types of attacks. Ground pound attacks, which can be devastating if not properly avoided, can be completely negated by jumping. Additionally, horizontal sweeps from enemies can be easily dodged by timing your jumps correctly. Even thrust attacks, which can catch players off guard, can be avoided by executing a well-timed jump.

It’s important to note that while jumping provides excellent defense against certain attack types, it does have its limitations. Vertical attacks, such as overhead strikes or downward thrusts, will still have the power to knock you down. Therefore, it’s crucial to recognize the attack patterns of enemies and adjust your strategy accordingly. Utilizing jumping as a defensive tool is highly effective, but it must be complemented by situational awareness.

Offensive Advantages of Jumping

One of the most significant advantages of jumping in Elden Ring is the ability to attack while airborne. Unlike dodge rolling, which restricts your actions to purely defensive maneuvers, jumping allows you to maintain offensive pressure while evading enemy attacks. This opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for players.

By timing your attacks correctly, you can deal damage to your opponents while they are still recovering from their missed strikes. This not only provides you with an advantage in terms of damage output but also disrupts the flow of your enemy’s attacks. It forces them to be more cautious and defensive, giving you the opportunity to seize control of the battle.

The combination of offensive and defensive capabilities offered by jumping makes it a versatile technique that can elevate your gameplay in Elden Ring. Mastering this technique will require practice, as timing and positioning are crucial. However, once you’ve honed your skills, you’ll be able to dominate encounters with both real players and bosses.