Essential New Player Tips for Last Epoch – Maximizing Your Gameplay Experience

New to Last Epoch? Learn tips from experienced players to elevate your gameplay in this guide!

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players share valuable insights for newbies seeking to enhance their gameplay experience. Learn how to optimize your journey and progress efficiently!


  • Customize loot filters for efficient looting
  • Emphasize crafting early on
  • Focus on defensive stats for a smoother campaign experience
  • Experiment with different skills for post-campaign progression

Insightful Loot Filter Tips

New players are advised to understand and utilize the custom loot filter system right from the start. By creating and adjusting your own filter, looting becomes more enjoyable and efficient, enhancing your overall gameplay experience.

Strategic Crafting for Success

Early crafting is highlighted as a key strategy to progress effectively. Players recommend crafting as soon as possible to gain an edge in the game and maximize your gear’s potential.

Defensive Approach for Campaign Success

During the campaign, prioritizing defensive stats like health and resistances is crucial for survival. Learning the crafting system early to enhance gear with resistances is emphasized to tackle various challenges.

Exploration and Experimentation

Players encourage newbies to explore different skills and playstyles during the campaign. Post-campaign, focusing on defensive mechanics and adapting to challenges ensures smoother progression in Last Epoch.