Excision GM with Randos: A Tragedy – Destiny 2 Players Share Hilarious Failures

Players share their hilarious and frustrating experiences attempting the Excision GM with random teammates in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

Playing Destiny 2’s Excision Grandmaster (GM) difficulty with random teammates can be a rollercoaster of emotions, as players on Reddit recount their hilarious and frustrating experiences. From chain revives to clueless guardians, the challenges of coordinating with strangers in high-stakes content are on full display.


  • Guardians struggle to coordinate and communicate effectively in the high-stakes Excision GM activity.
  • Players find humor in the mistakes and missteps of their random teammates, leading to both frustration and amusement.
  • Strategies like identifying competent players and relying on strong teamwork emerge as key to success in challenging content.

Guardians vs. GM Challenges

One Reddit user lamented the woes of playing with inexperienced teammates, highlighting the limited revives in GM difficulty. “Some of you have obviously never played a GM before…” they remarked, as they watched their team’s lives depleted due to reckless play.

Chain Revives and Clueless Guardians

Another player shared the humor in letting certain teammates stay dead to conserve revive tokens, emphasizing the importance of playing smart in challenging content. The post detailed a chaotic run where inexperienced players repeatedly fell victim to the activity’s mechanics.

Hilarious Moments Amidst Chaos

Despite the challenges, a few players found moments of hilarity amidst the chaos. One Guardian recalled a run where a Peregrine Titan’s knee slam carried the team to victory, showcasing the unexpected strategies that can emerge in challenging activities.

From epic failures to unexpected triumphs, the Excision GM activity in Destiny 2 proves to be a test of teamwork, communication, and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations. As players continue to brave the challenges with random teammates, the blend of frustration and amusement only adds to the game’s dynamic appeal.