Excited for Final Fantasy XVI? Pros and Cons Shared by Fans

Fans share passionate thoughts on Final Fantasy XVI, discussing its highs and lows.

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement is in the air as fans of Final Fantasy XVI share their thoughts on the game. Whether it’s the epic story or fantastic characters, there’s a mix of pros and cons that have players buzzing.


  • Players praise the game’s epic story and music.
  • Some enjoy the cinematic experience and characters.
  • However, pacing and side missions leave some disappointed.

Positive Vibes

Many users love the story and characters, considering Final Fantasy XVI a masterpiece in terms of narrative and music.

Negative Feedback

Some players express disappointment with pacing and mandatory side missions, feeling they detract from the overall experience.

Combat Controversy

Opinions are split on the game’s action-based combat, with some feeling it lacks depth and others enjoying the change from traditional JRPG mechanics.

Final Thoughts

Despite differing opinions, fans ultimately find Final Fantasy XVI to be a memorable experience, with its strengths outweighing any perceived weaknesses.