Exciting Champion Concepts for League of Legends Fans

Explore fan ideas for new League of Legends champions! Will Riot Games bring these wild concepts to life?

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking into the wild world of fan ideas for League of Legends champions, users on Reddit are brainstorming unique and exciting concepts that they wish to see in the game. From a champion in a wheelchair to a demon clown, the creativity knows no bounds.


  • Fans are surprised by the absence of certain champion archetypes like dinosaurs and medieval-themed characters.
  • Players desire champions with unique mechanics such as controlling multiple units and transforming abilities.
  • There is a craving for champions representing diverse themes like evil grandmas, priests, and musicians.
  • The community is eager for champions with unconventional characteristics such as being in a wheelchair or a demon clown.

Champion Archetype Surprises

One user mentioned being astounded by the lack of dinosaurs in League of Legends, pondering if Riot Games has something special planned for Cho’Gath’s future rework.

Unique Gameplay Mechanics

Another fan proposed the idea of champions with permanent pets, clones, or the ability to split into multiple characters, providing a high mechanical skill ceiling.

Diverse Theme Representation

From evil grandmas to adult ranged male enchanters, players are yearning for champions that bring new thematic elements to the game.

Creative Character Concepts

Whether it’s a champion in a wheelchair, a demon clown with invisibility, or a musician controlling musical notes, the community is buzzing with imaginative ideas for League of Legends champions.