Exciting Teasers and Speculations in the Tekken Community

Discover the anticipation and excitement in the Tekken subreddit as fans speculate on upcoming character releases and trailers.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Tekken community is buzzing with excitement as hints of new character releases and trailers emerge.


  • Fans speculate on possible character releases based on teaser content.
  • Anticipation builds for upcoming trailer releases.
  • Confusion arises regarding the timing of fall DLC reveals.

Excitement Over Character Releases

Users are eagerly awaiting new character releases, with speculations pointing towards a possible Fall character teaser being included in upcoming trailers.

Confusion Regarding Fall DLC Reveals

Some users express confusion over the timing of fall DLC reveals, questioning the decision to unveil content with EVO around the corner.

Speculations and Predictions

Community members engage in lively debates, sharing predictions about future updates, character trailers, and potential return of certain features like Tekken Force.

The excitement and anticipation in the Tekken community are palpable, with fans eagerly awaiting official announcements and reveals.