Exotic Ideas: Destiny 2 Players Share New Super Concepts

Guardians on Destiny 2 subreddit pitch innovative ideas for new supers and subclasses. Dive into the creativity!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players on a Reddit thread have brainstormed mind-bending concepts for new Supers and subclasses, catering to the game’s ever-evolving nature. The thread, initiated by user LibelousBagBR, called for unique abilities for Guardians, setting the stage for an outpouring of creativity.


  • Players envision Titans wielding gigantic Diamond Lances and Warlocks tapping into threads of energy.
  • Exciting new Supers like Woven Animosity and TANGLING THREADS are proposed, each with intricate mechanics.
  • Community members propose diverse concepts, ranging from a Strand Minigun super to a Vortex Nova Bomb with unique detonation mechanics.

Guardians Get Creative

Within the thread, user epikpepsi proposed a Titan wielding a Diamond Lance that unleashes freezing crystals, providing a twist on traditional Titan abilities. This suggestion garnered excitement from fellow Redditors who appreciated the visual and strategic implications of such a Super.

StrongerThanU_Reddit delved into detailed descriptions of new supers, introducing concepts like WOVEN ANIMOSITY for Titans. The proposal showcased intricate mechanics, highlighting the community’s knack for expanding Destiny 2’s gameplay possibilities.

crobo31 light-heartedly expressed the desire for a Strand Minigun Super, injecting humor into the conversation while underscoring the community’s endless imagination when it comes to designing new in-game abilities.

Ok-Ad3752 explored the idea of a stasis meteor shower and hinted at Titans wielding a flame thrower, showcasing a blend of creativity and practicality in designing supers that resonate with player fantasies.

Redefining the Guardian Arsenal

Some users, like TaxableFur, reimagined existing concepts, calling for Titans to wield machine guns as supers, emphasizing the versatility and novelty desired in Destiny 2’s expanding arsenal.

SisterFister069 proposed a unique subclass for Titans, introducing the Eclipse element and Endless Night super, further emphasizing the community’s investment in expanding the game’s lore and gameplay mechanics.

ExoPro16 suggested a whimsical take on Chaos Reach, envisioning Taken Ogre blasts as a comedic yet engaging gameplay experience, highlighting the community’s penchant for exploring unconventional ideas.

SplashDmgEnthusiast presented a detailed concept for a Stasis Titan super, Crystalline Cataclysm, suggesting sophisticated gameplay mechanics that add depth and strategic layers to the player’s toolkit.

In conclusion, the Destiny 2 community’s penchant for innovation shines through in their imaginative concepts for new supers and subclasses, showcasing a vibrant player base eager to see the game’s universe expand in creative and strategic ways.