Experiencing Instant Headshots in Valorant? Here’s A Community Driven Guide!

Join us as we delve into one Valorant player's struggle with instant headshots and the community's collective advice!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

In the world of Valorant, there’s nothing more puzzling – and frustrating – than constantly being headshot before you even have a shot to react. This concern is echoed by a post from ‘ra11ven’, who despite adopting various strategies, faces consistent instant headshots.


  • ‘Ra11ven’ feels that he’s doing everything right, but still gets instant headshots without any time to react.
  • The player seeks community assistance, requesting possible solutions for his predicament.
  • A healthy mix of empathy, advice, and similar instances are shared in the comment section of his post.
  • Popular suggestions include re-evaluating the perception of playing safe, and reconsidering the ‘peeking’ technique in the game.

Instant Headshots – Public Sentiment

Through the string of comments, it’s evident that ‘ra11ven’ isn’t alone in his predicament. A fellow player, ‘sakondeeznutz’ empathizes with him saying: “BRO THIS IS SO REAL… I think it’s just that you’re mostly peeking in the video or they’re lucky”. ‘Reaper412’, an experienced player, shares a similar sentiment expressing: “Feels like I’m being prefired half the time”.

Peeking Techniques – Is There a Right Way?

The comments shine a light on how the technique of ‘peeking’ in Valorant could be pivotal in these instances. One user, ‘ahhkel’, says: “I think you’re peaking things too slow, I think you are giving your opponents too much time to spot you.” ‘Zenjiwastaken’ adds: “Don’t know why are you peeking so slowly using adad, you might as well just walk peek at that point. Just do one clean peek with your crosshair aimed at head level.”

Radiant’s Revelation – An Insider’s Perspective

‘Due_Ad_5329’, a player from Valorant’s highest rank ‘Radiant’, provides an in-depth analysis on peeking and holding angles. He recommends understanding angle advantage and shifting from slow to fast peeking accordingly. “Peeks are EXTREMELY slow, giving people an extremely easy time to react to you” he notes, while underlining the importance of ‘Angle Advantage’. ‘Due_Ad_5329’ even provides resources to better understand these concepts.

Look, we get it. Valorant can sometimes feel like you’re thrown into a hurricane of bullets and headshots. But understand that, hey, we’ve all been there, including ‘ra11ven’, and the entire community. With the right advice and the right adjustment, be it tweaking your peaking techniques or understanding angles, you’re not far off from dodging those exasperating instant headshots. So dust off your shoulders, dive back in, and show ’em what you’re made of!