Exploring Destiny 2 Players’ Ideas on Helm of Saint 14 Enhancement

What if Helm of Saint 14 should give your bastion barricades a weakened version of Weapons of Light? Destiny 2 players discuss the potential changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing with ideas on how to enhance Helm of Saint 14 exotics. The notion of granting barricades a weakened version of Weapons of Light has sparked lively debates within the community.


  • Players propose adding a weakened version of Weapons of Light to Helm of Saint 14. This could provide a unique utility without overshadowing existing options.
  • The discussion highlights the importance of balance in PvE and PvP scenarios, with suggestions to tailor the buff’s impact accordingly.
  • Community members are excited about the potential tweak but emphasize the need to preserve class diversity and strategic choices.

Positive Receptions from the Community

Several players expressed enthusiasm for the proposed buff, citing its potential to introduce fresh gameplay dynamics without disrupting the current meta. User RAPTORKING54 praised the idea’s seamless integration with existing exotic perks, highlighting its thematic coherence. This sentiment resonated with many others who appreciated the subtle enhancement without a complete overhaul.

Concerns About PvP Impact

While the concept garnered positive feedback, some community members raised valid concerns regarding the buff’s implications in PvP settings. User destiny-sucks-balls cautioned against introducing a potentially overpowered mechanic that could lead to a dominant meta akin to the infamous one-eyed mask era. The debate on balancing the buff for different game modes underscored the importance of nuanced adjustments to maintain fair gameplay.

Enhancing Class Synergy

Players like Naum718 emphasized the significance of enhancing class synergy through exotic tweaks. The suggestion to align Helm of Saint 14 with Offensive Bulwark’s mechanics showcased a thoughtful approach to improving underutilized aspects of the game. This sentiment reflects a desire for meaningful exotic enhancements that complement existing class abilities, encouraging diverse playstyles.

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