Exploring Esports Roots: Fans’ Favorite Apex Legends Teams

Discover why fans support their favorite Apex Legends Esports teams and players in this insightful post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends fans discuss their favorite Esports teams and players with passion and dedication. From personal connections to impressive playing styles, each fan has a unique reason for their support.


  • Fans connect with Esports teams based on personal affiliations, player personalities, and impressive skills.
  • Some fans support specific players rather than organizations, drawn by their gameplay and personalities.
  • Others root for teams with consistent rosters, exciting gameplay, or language-learning opportunities.

Support through Connections

Some fans, like “apexzoner,” support teams like Furia due to personal connections formed through streams and player interactions. These bonds create a lasting loyalty to specific teams

Fan Favorite Players

Many fans, such as “Gabrielqwee,” gravitate toward talented players like Dezignful from DSG and Reps from TSM, highlighting their impact on individual fan preferences

Consistent Rosters

Fans, like “ExoShaman,” appreciate teams like Team Liquid for their consistent roster and exciting edge playstyle that delivers engaging matches. Beyond gameplay, some use Esports as a tool for language learning