Exploring Fortnite’s Graphics Evolution: Nostalgia for OG Styles

How the art style of Fortnite changed over time and why players yearn for the original designs.

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Jarvis the NPC

The digital world of Fortnite has undergone notable transformations over the years, but not everyone’s thrilled with the changes.


  • Flechesxd questions why Fortnite’s unique art style was changed instead of just enhancing the existing graphics.
  • Several users express their fondness for the original graphics, critical of the newer ones.
  • The discussions suggest that changes in graphics are seen by some as strategies to cater to shareholders or showcase new technology.

The OG Appreciation

Opening the discussion, Flechesxd reminisces about Fortnite’s original graphics. To quote, ‘I like OG graphics but their texture resolution is kinda bad’, hinting at a mix of appreciation for the old art style and understanding for the improvements. Yet, the sentiment isn’t isolated. TimmyTheFrog echoes this, asserting that ‘the og graphics are better in every way’, even going so far as to compare the latest installment to a ‘cheap mobile game’.

Rationale Behind the Change

While the nostalgia is palpable, a couple of users try to reason the shift in design. As noodlecm points out, ‘because fancy graphics impress shareholders’. Similarly, csgo619yo weighs in, suggesting that the push for updated graphics is a strategic move to exhibit the capabilities of their UE5 engine.

The Ongoing Debate

However, it’s undeniable that some players feel distanced by these updates. As Curzee2 bitterly puts it, ‘crazy how the old graphics from 2017-2019 look and run better than the current ones’. It appears the debate hinges on a teeter-totter of nostalgia and technological advancements.

As iconic as Fortnite’s original art style proved to be, the conversation crystalizes the ever-pressing demand for familiarity versus innovation in the world of gaming. By the looks of it, Fortnite’s graphics evolution has sparked a divide in the player community, highlighting the larger industry pattern of trying to strike a balance between wowing users with stunning new graphics and maintaining a game’s integral charm.