Exploring Island Maps in Manor Lords: A New Concept for Conquest

Dive into the realms of Manor Lords as players discuss the potential of island maps and unique gameplay in this medieval strategy game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords introduces innovative ideas with the notion of island maps for conquest mode, sparking creative discussions about gameplay possibilities.


  • Players contemplate the feasibility of island maps in Manor Lords’ conquest mode, proposing reduced regions for enhanced gameplay.
  • The introduction of occasional raider landings adds a new dynamic to gameplay, likened to Viking invasions by the community.
  • Discussions draw parallels between the concept of island maps and popular strategy games like Civ, showcasing the potential for engaging experiences in Manor Lords.

Prosperity and Raiders: A New Conquest Dynamic

One user, SavageSauron, suggests a modified conquest map with fewer regions to accommodate island maps while maintaining the thrill of raider landings. They acknowledge the departure from historical accuracy but applaud the innovative gameplay idea.

A Viking Touch in Manor Lords

Building on the idea of raider landings, Moby1029 draws comparisons to Viking invasions, hinting at the potential for epic battles and strategic challenges on these mythical islands.

Strategic Parallels with Civilization

infestedjoker draws a connection to the Civilization series, implying that Manor Lords could offer a similar strategic depth and engaging gameplay with the introduction of island maps.

Exploring new territories and gameplay mechanics in Manor Lords opens up a world of possibilities for players, fostering creativity and strategic thinking. The community’s enthusiasm for innovative features like island maps showcases a thriving player base eager for fresh experiences in this medieval strategy game.