Exploring Late Game Town Vibes in Manor Lords – A Glimpse of Old Town Bad Wimpfen, DE

Delve into the potential for late-game town aesthetics in Manor Lords with a peek at Old Town Bad Wimpfen.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords is stirring up quite the excitement among players, especially when envisioning the late-game town settings. One user, AvatarWasOK, shared their hopes and favorite spot in a recent Reddit post.


  • Players yearn for intricate town designs in Manor Lords.
  • Community members admire the charm of Old Town Bad Wimpfen for inspiration.
  • The idea of blending historical aesthetics with modern conveniences excites the player base.

AutoModerator’s Reminder

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Piekentier’s Suggestion

If someone happens to visit Bad Wimpfen, visit Meister Nik Golder and his artschool in Old Town. He’s a dear friend, artist, sculptor, and mason, offering Roman and late Medieval/Renaissance styles.

Dan_Morgan’s Enthusiasm

I would probably cry if I actually walked around this place. We really need to take some cues from how they built towns like this, adding modern amenities while preserving the historical charm.

Scroollee’s Design Ideas

I think a beautiful feature would be as the town matures, the roads turn to cobblestone, offering the ability to construct stone walls alongside roads and upgrade fencing to stone with stone arches for entry ways. It’d be great to choose different styles and colors for house upgrades.