Exploring Options for More Families in New Regions in Manor Lords

Manor Lords players discuss the idea of settling in new regions with more than 5 starting families and debate the potential benefits and costs involved.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players are buzzing with excitement about the prospect of expanding settlements with more families in new regions. The desire for enhanced customization options is strong, as players aim to optimize their gameplay experience to the fullest.


  • Players advocate for the ability to settle in new regions with more than 5 starting families
  • Suggestions include resettling population from other settlements and paying higher costs for increased benefits
  • Enhanced starting supplies like timber, planks, stone, and tiles are proposed as valuable additions

Players’ Desires for More Families

Many players express the need for greater flexibility with settlement options, proposing the ability to settle in new regions with more than the standard 5 starting families.

Enhanced Customization Ideas

Players suggest innovative ideas such as resettling populations from other settlements or paying premium costs for additional benefits like rare resources to kickstart their new regions.

The Debate on Starting Supplies

Discussions revolve around the current starting supplies options, with some players feeling they lack meaningful impact. Ideas for more impactful starting benefits like timber, planks, and stone are put forward.

Potential for Future Features

Players speculate on the game’s future direction, pondering whether additional settlement customization options will be introduced or if the focus will remain on starting resources.