Exploring the Balance in Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Set – What Reddit Says

Join the discussion on Reddit about why many believe this TFT set is the most balanced!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are debating whether the current set is truly the most balanced ever, sparking a mix of opinions and insights.


  • Balance varies based on skill level, with some comps excelling at lower ranks but not at higher levels.
  • Set offers a wide range of viable comps, promoting adaptability and strategic depth.
  • Skill expression and item augments contribute to the perceived balance and depth of the current set.

Insights on Balancing

Some players argue that the balance of TFT sets is relative to skill level, with certain comps performing better at lower ranks due to ease of execution. Others point out the importance of adaptability and strategic knowledge in navigating the diverse meta of the current set.

Variability in Comps

There is a consensus among players that the current set offers a wide array of viable comps, allowing for strategic flexibility and rewarding players with a deep understanding of different compositions. The ability to pivot and adapt to lobby conditions is crucial in achieving success in TFT.

Skill Expression

Players highlight the significance of skill expression in the current set, emphasizing the impact of item augments and subtle nuances in gameplay that can provide a competitive edge. Understanding these intricacies adds layers to the gameplay experience and contributes to the perceived balance of the set.

Ultimately, the debate on the balance of the TFT set is multifaceted, reflecting the diverse perspectives and experiences of the player base. While some appreciate the variety of viable comps and the depth of strategic decision-making, others raise concerns about the dominance of certain strategies at different skill levels. The evolving meta and continuous adjustments by the balancing team keep the discourse vibrant and engaging, shaping the ongoing narrative of balance in Team Fight Tactics.

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