Exploring the Dumb & Brilliant Sides of Melee Weapons in Deep Rock Galactic

Dive into the vibrant debates about introducing melee weapons in Deep Rock Galactic - from balancing nightmares to dwarf dreams!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic is known for its unique blend of cooperative gameplay and quirky dwarven antics. Recently, a Reddit user, CornBread_God, sparked a lively discussion with a very ‘dumb’ but intriguing idea – introducing melee weapons to the game. The post suggests various futuristic melee weapon concepts like explosive hammers and energy axes/swords, leading to a mix of excitement and skepticism among the community.


  • Community divided over the introduction of melee weapons in the game.
  • Players express concerns about balancing issues and existing mechanics like the pickaxe’s power attack.
  • Exciting suggestions for new melee weapons with unique mechanics and gameplay possibilities.

Unholy Trinity: The Melee Weapon Dilemma

As the community delves into the debate sparked by CornBread_God’s post, it becomes evident that the idea of adding melee weapons to Deep Rock Galactic elicits a range of emotions and opinions.

Dreams of Dwarven Warriors

Some players like DUCK_0972 see melee weapons as a dream come true for dwarves, adding a new dimension to their arsenal and combat style.

Pickaxe Purity vs. Divergent Design

Others like Sliwu argue that the pickaxe already serves as a traditional melee weapon in the game, questioning the necessity of adding more weapons to the mix.

Innovations and Speculations

The Reddit post also inspired players like Professional-Job2325 to come up with elaborate concepts for unique melee weapons, showcasing the community’s creativity and enthusiasm for new gameplay elements.

Exploring the possibilities of melee combat in Deep Rock Galactic opens up a realm of creativity and innovation, but it also invites complex discussions on balancing and game design. As players continue to share their ideas and feedback, the future of melee weapons in the game remains both uncertain and tantalizing, promising thrilling adventures in the depths of the alien-infested caverns.