Exploring the Latest Fortnite Buzz – A Peek into Gamers’ Minds

Discover the hottest Reddit discussions on a potential Nintendo collaboration in Fortnite.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about the idea of a Nintendo collaboration, but is it just a pipe dream? Let’s dive into the discussion and see what players are saying!


  • Nintendo’s protective stance on their IPs is a major roadblock for potential collaborations.
  • Community members prefer plushies over potential skins.
  • Players question the practicality of implementing such a vast range of assets in-game.

The Excitement

Players are giddy at the thought of Nintendo-themed skins appearing in the game, with some hoping for exclusive features for Nintendo Switch users. However, the consensus is that Nintendo’s protective nature over their intellectual properties could mean this is a far-fetched aspiration.

The Realities

Many users express skepticism about the feasibility of incorporating such a large number of Pokemon into the game. Some suggest focusing on plushies instead of skins, indicating a preference for physical merchandise within the game.

The Challenges

Debates on the practicality of introducing a multitude of new Pokemon-related content highlight potential challenges for Epic Games. Fans question how such a vast array of assets can be seamlessly integrated without overwhelming the game or the players.