Exploring the Mysteries of Skull and Bones Contracts – A Reddit Discussion

Delve into the puzzling contract items in Skull and Bones and uncover the community's solutions and speculations.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are facing a conundrum with a mysterious contract item, leading to a Reddit frenzy of theories and solutions.


  • Players puzzled over what to do with the contract item.
  • Suggestions ranged from destroying it to keeping it for quests.
  • A patch seemed to have addressed the issue, sparking relief.

Player Theories

Ed_Straker65 advised simply destroying the item, claiming there was no destination for it.

SchnappsCarrot shared a similar dilemma of having the item in their ship’s cargo without any apparent use.

Patch Update

SchnappsCarrot noticed the item no longer appeared in the ship’s cargo after a recent patch, implying a potential fix to the issue.

Etshy speculated that the item might be tied to a lucrative quest, hinting at possible rewards for its completion.