Exploring The Purpose of Fortnite’s Mystery Subreddit – a Thoughtful Dive

A humorous look at a Fortnite subreddit's existential crisis - story featuring gamers and their opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Wow, what a wild ride it’s been through the corners of Fortnite’s virtual universe. A subreddit has surfaced, causing quite a stir among avid players. ‘Why does this subreddit even exist?’ is the notorious question raised by its curious explorer, digitalbladesreddit. Don’t worry, digitalbladesreddit, we’re as bamboozled as you are!


  • Enchaxo appears confused about the subreddit’s purpose. Isa it a save the world subreddit?
  • RingtailVT suggests developers are more present in this platform than others.
  • Deal_Hugs_Not_Drugs humorously suggests the subreddit exists solely to irk certain individuals, possibly including digitalbladesreddit.
  • Man-a playfully indicates that the subreddit’s existence might be linked to in-game actions such as bringing medikit to Ned every day.

A Deeper Look

From the comments, it’s evident that subreddit draws many types of gamers, each with its own unique theory. RingtailVT hints that this platform is checked more frequently by game developers, and their comment, “The other STW subreddit doesn’t get checked by devs as often.” could put to rest the existence mystery. They have a point. Is the game developers’ attention a valuable commodity?

Humour In the Midst

What is a gaming subreddit without a dash of humour? Our witty waggler, Deal_Hugs_Not_Drugs, chimes in and jokes that the subreddit’s purpose is simply “To piss you off“. Light-heartedness seems to be a key pillar in this community, and who knows, maybe this subreddit has blown off some steam!

Existential Considerations

ferb73craft’s reply is a highlight, posing the existential question, “Why are any of us here?” In a nutshell, this might be what the Fortnite subreddit underscores, an inclusive forum for all kinds of players – serious or light-hearted.

All things considered, while this subreddit’s existence might initially seem like a conundrum, the collective wisdom (and wit) of its members has clarified its importance. From being a more developer-attentive platform to serving as a hub for banter, it exceeds its purpose beyond just being another Fortnite forum.